Words To Earn Client Loyalty | MASTROIANNI CONSULTING

Words matter.  Words can hurt and they can heal.  They can convey respect and understanding and they can also convey disinterest and ignorance.  Being on top of your game with your word choice offers you the opportunity to bond with a person while eliciting a positive emotional response.

Here are some words and techniques that may help you to stand out from the competition and earn client loyalty.

I hear…” After listening closely, follow up with questions that repeat back what you heard the person say.  Begin your sentence with “I hear”.  Eva Doyle, a national speaker on leadership issues and author of ‘The Reluctant Leader’, offers this as an example: “I hear that you like Washington Park, but your budget may not be enough for that area. Would you consider a neighborhood a little more north? Or would you rather stretch your budget?” This demonstrates that you’re listening well and interested in what the person is saying to you.

Fear, anxiety, reluctance, love, hope, home…”  Use emotional words that tap into people’s most inner thoughts.  In a real estate situation, remember that people are buying a home; a place where they will witness their life events.  Their inner thoughts may include challenging words, such as ‘fear’, ‘anxiety’, and ‘reluctance’.  You can balance these words with opposite, positive keywords, such as ‘love’, ‘hope’, ‘home’, and ‘future’.  Being aware of emotional cues can help cement your client relationships.

P” and “T” sounds.  Words and sentences with several ‘p’ and ‘t’ sounds have a staccato effect, which inspires excitement and communicates energy, says Amanda Plecas, vice president and chief creative officer at Waterhouse Public Relations.  Plecas says the cadence, rhythm, and musicality of what you’re saying can affect a listener’s perception of your words.  For example, saying “I have a tried and tested marketing plan” sounds more upbeat than “I have developed an exclusive marketing plan,” Plecas says. Or, “I’ll be your personal real estate textbook” is more enthusiastic than “I am a resource to help you make a well-informed decision.”

“Personally invite…” A personal invitation to anything ramps up its importance and engenders good will.

“Your kids are well-behaved…” Genuinely engage with people by complimenting them on their children or anything else that may apply.  This helps build rapport.  Listen to their story, find our what’s interesting to them?  Find out what makes them who they are before you launch into your sales pitch.

“I specialize…”  Showcase your expertise.  This inspires trust.  There are many ways to be an expert.  Do your research so you feel confident making the statement.

“Honestly…”  Only use it when you are speaking honestly.  It allows you to convey an opinion that may not be what the person wants to hear.  Said earnestly, it can soften bad news.

This list is not exhaustive and is only intended to demonstrate how important words are to our conversations on a daily basis.  Being articulate is just another aspect of being professional.

Sourced in part from a Realtor.com article by Danielle Braff.

Mastroianni Consulting is a small consultancy firm serving the needs of Realtors and their clients.  Dedicated to Excellence, they provide support services that assist real estate agents to grow their businesses.

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